Saturday, April 7, 2007

Acne Treatment Options

Choosing an acne treatment that actually gets results can be a difficult task. The market is flooded with products and every acne treatment claims to cure blemishes. With so many options to choose from, it's easy to just give up and resign yourself to living with acne. With a little knowledge and dedication, your skin can be healthy once again. Here are a few tips to help you choose an acne treatment that's right for you.

Acne treatment and skin care products claim to cure acne and each brand claims superiority over other acne skin care products. In order to find some truth, start with the label. Read through the entire list of ingredients. Manufacturers are required by law to list the ingredients according to the quantities found in the product. The main ingredient will be listed first and the ingredient that is found in the smallest quantity will be listed last. Salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide are both good acne fighting ingredients, so look for those first. If you have sensitive skin, avoid products that contain alcohol as this will dry your skin and irritate your already damaged acne prone skin. Those with sensitive skin should try to choose a product with natural ingredients. If the label is filled with chemical compounds and a slew of things you can't pronounce, try to find something simpler. Acne skin care products that are filled with chemicals may make your acne worse before actually starting to clear up your blemishes.

When purchasing your acne skin care products, be aware of the emotional tactics used by advertisers to convince you that their product is the best. Not all acne skin care products are alike. Choosing only appropriate acne skin care products will result in better results in a shorter amount of time.

The best acne treatment for your mother may not be the best acne treatment for you as well. Each person's chemistry is unique and you may need to experiment with a few products before finding the best acne treatment for your skin. If you discover a product that works short term, try to find the same main ingredient in another brand. Sometimes, choosing a product that is glycerin-based may work better than a water-based one. Finding the best acne treatment is often a matter of trail and error.

Once you have chosen an acne skin care product, it is important that you follow the manufacturer's directions exactly. This is where your dedication comes into play as most products will require application two to three times a day, everyday. Applying an acne skin care product erratically will not achieve the desired results. It is easy to become discouraged if you don't see immediate improvements in your skin after beginning an acne treatment. Hang in there. Sometimes, badly infected skin takes time to heal and improvements may not be noticed until after several applications of a good quality acne skin care product.


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